Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One more "Steve" update, then on to funner things...

yes, "funner" is definately a word in my vocabulary.

After a not-so-fun-but-uneventful lumbar puncture a few weeks ago, the doctor determined that Steve is a very healthy man with mild MS.  No news there.  His recommendation:  keep doing what your doing.  No news there.  The next time we need to go back to Cleveland:  March of 2013.  Yahoooooo!  There's some news we like.  The doc thinks things have "stabilized" and he will have no more "flares".  Again.  YAHOOOO.  Steve has been working (shocking, isn't it?) his regular hours at Coplen then coming home and working on getting the new siding on our house!

Just so you know, there are still great employers in this world.  While we were at Cleveland the last time, Coplen Construction sent a couple guys to our house to start the siding job.  It was so nice to come home to a work in progress instead of the beginning of a job.  I'll be posting pics soon.  Not that I'm even close to biased, but it looks FABULOUS!

Friday, August 10, 2012

The newest scoop

After spending from Monday until yesterday at Cleveland, I can tell you, Clinic is one amazing place.  We walked almost every square mile of it.  Yes. Miles.  Although I love my hubby and even love being with him all the time, I was ready to come home.  So was he.  Vacation it was not, but we did get an answer.  Vague, but an answer none the less.  Mild Muscular Sclerosis.  Because it is "mild" the doctor doesn't want to "treat" it with typical MS meds...  only treat the symptoms as they happen.  Now the fun part begins...  figuring out when it's going to be a "bad" spell, or just a little bump in the sidewalk.

We will be heading back to Cleveland for another lumbar puncture to compare the numbers with his first one, and then again for the follow up appointment for the results.  But.  But.  But, we have an answer.  And one that isn't too scary.  The best part of the appointment?  The doctor explained that he has NEVER seen a mild case like this turn into something disabling, even without meds.  Thank you, God!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Awaiting an Episode

We are at Cleveland and I found a computer.  Right now we are waiting for another "episode" to happen in hopes that a general neurologist in the ER can "see" it first hand.  We had a very uneventful trip over...  the little van is learning it's way here quit well.  I, of course, did not make reservations for a hotel and the one we usually stay at is booked full.  But, just by chance, they booked us at the swanky hotel just across the street and a couple blocks down.  Same price (I'm sure it's less than half it's going rate)!  So now we are walking and talking and, dare I say it outloud, hoping for a bad episode :(

Thanks to all that are taking care of my house, my critters, my job, and my boys... you are making this much easier than it would normally be.  I am so blessed to have a fabulous group of friends and family.

I'll post more when I know more.

Friday, August 3, 2012

making a long story short... We have

For those of you that don't know...  Steve has been feeling "rough".  keep in mind that his rough would keep most of us in bed.  but he's been trudging on, working when he can (even if he shouldn't), and not even complaining too much.

It started in January with tingly and "heavy" legs.  After 10 years of never going to the doctor, he finally went.  Lots and lots of blood tests.  Al to confirm how healthy he is.  Well, yup.  Healthy. But still the let thing.

Now fast forward to today.  Well, yesterday.  The symptoms have progressed to a dizzyness of sorts, tingling in legs AND arms, heaviness, cotton mouth, and extreme fatigue.  

We have been to the ER a few times, famiy doctor, local neurologist, and now the Cleveand Clinic.  Through a gift given from God.  And a little persistance on my part.  And a gracious referal from an old friend (the friendship is old, not the friend).  We have an appointment with the Chairman of the Neurological Institute at Cleveland.  He has already ordered a couple more scans in hopes of finding a cause (and hopefully treatment) for what's going on.

As long as this post is, I promise you, it is a very, very, very short version of our reality over the past 7 months.  I'll be sure to post updates, especially when there are any breakthroughs with a diagnosis.

Monday, December 20, 2010

I am back!!

I am going to be using my blog again! Not sure if this is exciting to anyone other than me, but it's the little things that make me happy, so bare with me.

I'll be using it mostly for scrapbook/paper craft projects in hopes of giving you a little inspiration, ideas, etc.

Hope this finds you all well, happy, and anxiously awaiting the re-start of our faith.

Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Grammy's birthday!!!

Need I say more?

A couple "Firsts" in our family...

Josh won his first Showmanship class! He was so proud of his ribbons that he wore them on his shirt all day, even once we got home!

AND... Joseph just started pre-school. Although he's pretty sure he's ready to graduate. I now have to lock the doors to the car in order to keep him from jumping out and running into the school by himself!